The art of discovering your blind spots.

Or: Reinvent yourself.

Coaching is a joint process of discovery. It is based on curiosity and trust. Topics are as diverse as people are. Typical areas of coaching are defining your own leadership style, identifying career goals, improving performance, decision making under uncertainty and working with virtual teams. Coaching will support you in making a better job. 



TEAM DEVELOPMENT: The art of building on one another. 
Or: Trust is a chain of kept promises.

In a team every member counts. Well-functioning teams share a joint vision, have distinct goals, clarify roles early, describe solid processes and build sustainable relations. The more diverse a team is, the higher is the chance of top performance. However, the risk of dysfunctionality is equally high. Where does your team stand? Does it reach the goals you have set? How does it achieve these goals? How openly does the team communicate with each other? Where does it have to work as a team? These issues are often neglected in the hustle and bustle of everyday life at the expense of effectiveness and joy.



The art of doing and reflecting. 

Or: Paradoxes dictate our lives.

Leadership Journies are long-term leadership programs. No mandatory brief intermezzos, but research trips that combine different and sometimes contradictory topics. Building self-awareness, understanding volatile markets, handling ambiguity, generating common ground, leveraging collective intelligence and showing empathy, just to mentioned a few. Discover how to engage leaders to engage your organization. 



The art of creating solutions from experiments.
Or: Courage needs conviction.

Each organizational intervention is an experiment. Result unknown. You cannot plan and foresee everything. Ultimately, the effect of the experiment is determined by the organization itself. Smart diagnosis, care, and awareness of change work with all stakeholders are prerequisites for change experiments to succeed.